
Sunday, May 11, 2014

So this is my style share.....

YEAH!!! So excited to start this blog.

As the name indicated, I am here to share my style. Clothes, jewelry, accessories, and more. Style is in the eye of the beholder, so you will not like everything I share and that is okay! We are all different people and like to wear different things . This is not a space for negativity.  I may report a trend or two that is not my favorite, but the whole point of this for me is to have fun and share my passion. So if you comment, please be kind. 

I'll put more in the 'About Me' section as I get this thing developed, but might as well start with the first post.

I have been mulling over starting this blog for about a year and I woke up at 4 this morning just ready to do it.  I left the 'corporate world' about a year ago to begin honing my skills as a stay at home mom - 3 kids 8, 6, and 4. The idea of starting this blog popped into my head immediately, but I figured I should take some time to adjust to my new life. So the blog has been simmering for a year and I'm ready!

I have always loved getting dressed and putting together outfits for as long as I can remember. I used to get in trouble for changing my clothes too many times a day. Fashion is my creative outlet. I do not have a penchant for drawing, painting, even hand writing is not my strong suit. But I love clothes! I'm the youngest of 3 and only girl and my mom loved dressing me up, so I have to give her a shout out for influencing my style. And I can't forget to acknowledge Dad. He has been in the apparel manufacturing world for 40ish years. Not many dads teach their daughters about the difference between a pique and jersey knit.

What I really love to do is to help people edit their wardrobe and shop - a la What Not to Wear .  I have been doing this with my Mom for probably 15 years. My life long friend Julie let me have a go at her closet last year and it was so FUN! She had just had a baby and was getting back into regular clothes - perfect time to edit your closet. Lori came too, we had some wine - it was a blast! It was part of the catalyst that got me to this blog.

Since this is about sharing my style, I figure I should let you know what it is like. My style is of course ever evolving, but if I had to summarize, I would say classic contemporary with an edge. I envision myself a "Carrie" in that I like a little whimsy and like to take a risk  (not this risky). But I'm known to show up as "Charlotte" as well. 

Most of all I like to have fun with clothes. And I hope you have fun reading my blog!

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