
Monday, May 12, 2014

"I love my red shoes, I love my red shoes, I love me red shoes!" - Pete the Cat

This post title comes from Eric Litwin, author of Pete the Cat and this song . It is a wonderful book if you have kids. I wish I was as laid back as Pete.

Okay back to fashion. For Mother's Day, my wonderful husband gave me shoes! He is an awesome gift giver, and this is not the first time he has given me shoes. I'm a lucky lady.  He gave me this adorable pair of TOMS. If you don't know the story of TOMS read more here - the gift that keeps on giving, even better. It was the perfect gift because while I love them, I wouldn't have splurged on a pair for myself. And he thought I specifically needed them to wear to Cardinals games - and he is a CUBS fan.

They will go great as a pop of color with most of my summer outfits - any outfit that is navy and white, navy and yellow, black or white. And they are super comfortable. If your summer is like mine you will be on the go and these shoes will be perfect to walk in all day. 

TOMS would also be great for summer travel! I have a good friend that wore them for 2 international trips with LOTS of walking and they held up great. They are a great alternative to tennis shoes when you are trying to be comfortable and not look like a tourist. 

"Just keep walking along, singing your song. Becuase it's all good" - Pete the Cat

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