
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Longing for a long dress

As I have mentioned before, I am short - barely 5'2". I am plagued this summer by the barrage of beautiful maxi dresses and printed, long knit skirts. Oh how I want them to fit and flatter me. But alas, they do not.  I know a touch dramatic but that is how it sounds in my head. I have tried. I think I have purchased 3 maxi dresses and have taken them all back. There was one I just couldn't part with so I had it shortened  - it is the navy print dress shown in this post. And therein lies part of the inspiration for this post. 

And here is the other part that lead to this post. I was checking out at a store and mentioned to the clerk how I just loved her long dress and how I wish I could wear them. She responded, 'I wish I could wear your dress but my butt would be showing." Touché. Maybe she was just being nice, but it made me look on the bright side. 

I am not saying that short people can't wear a long dress. I just don't like them on me - "It's not you, it's me." I have heard other shorties share my sentiments - this list was the first time I knew others agreed with me #32. Lol. I have seen 1 super stylish short friend pull it off - the dress had a tie at the waist, so I think that helped break up the column of fabric. 

You always have the option of making something work for you - like getting a maxi dress shortened. I will say you have to make sure it is not too billowy or they will have to take in the seams as well as take up the hem. 

I was wearing this short number during the story I mentioned. I picked up at Target about 2 years ago. I am being redundant with my printed dresses on this blog, but hey - it is about my style and short printed dresses are part of it!

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