
Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all the important women in our lives - Moms, Grandmas, Aunts, Moms-To-Be and Special Friends!  What a wonderful day today was to celebrate these women and their important place in our lives. 

I had a wonderful day with my family, but first I woke at 4 AM with ideas swirling in my head and decided to finally start this blog. As I alluded to in my intro post - my mom was instrumental in helping me develop my sense of style, so this post is for you MOM!

After having two boys before me, my mom loved shopping for a little girl. Bonnets, fluffy dresses, fancy pants and anything smocked. She enjoyed dressing me for a few years, but I quickly took over making those decisions around 4 or 5 years old. Luckily we didn't fight about it too much. We both loved clothes. I'm sure there were a few battles here and there, but I only remember the fun. Shopping quickly became some of our best bonding time. Not because we bought a lot, but because in the craziness of life we found we had great conversation while walking around and shopping. We love to find a good bargain or the perfect outfit for a special event. 

As part of her style, Mom believes in getting dressed up for church and so we were required to always dress nice for church. She did not bend on this rule......ever. As an adult with my own family, I now enforce the same rule. I know God doesn't care, but it is a ritual for us now that I enjoy. In honor of you Mom, here is what I wore to church today.  

(Dress: Banana Republic Outlet, Shoes Via Spiga DSW) Now I would have loved to put a pair of orange wedges or orange patent heels with this, but from a budget standpoint I tend to skimp on shoes and jewelry in favor of more clothes. Some people are the opposite, lots of basics and then they jazz it up with shoes, jewelry and scarves. I love both options, I just tend to want more variety in my clothes. 

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