
Sunday, December 2, 2018

Week 4 - Closet Challenge Summary

Week four is complete!  I have worn something different out of my closet, everyday, for one month. My focus is not on lack of repeats, but on getting use out of what I have and clarifying what I do not need. I am still enjoying the process, for the most part. I can't help but wonder if you all are getting tired of seeing my daily outfits? 

I realized after week 2 that I had way more than I thought, and that this was going to take longer than I thought. It is even clearer to me now, that I probably only 'need' about half (maybe 2/3 - change is hard) of what I have. Taking pictures of my daily outfits has been like keeping a food journal. You might have done that as part of a nutrition or weight loss program. Journaling, even in picture form, helps keep you accountable and gives you a visual for everything you ate. You usually realize that you consumed more than you thought. I am guilty!

I'm inspired again by Gretchen Rubin, specifically her book, Happier at Home.  She has several frameworks where you compare if you are x or y and how that shapes your behavior. One of the most popular ones is, are you an abstainer or a moderator ? Link to the quiz, but quickly - If an abstainer wants to give up soda, they will be more successful if they have no soda ever again. A moderator could tell themselves they can have 1 a week and that strategy would work for them.  Another is are an under-buyer or an over-buyer?  When it comes to clothes, I am clearly and over-buyer, but when it comes to all things household, I'm an under-buyer. We are always out of some staple like paper towels. 

All of this to say I have been trying to think of a clever way to explain my behavior toward my wardrobe, beyond saying that I am an over-buyer. Here is what I have so far: are you a constant or a variable? A constant  is someone who likes to wear the same thing or type of clothing, repeatedly. This brings them security, and comfort. The thought of  shopping or buying new clothes is exhausting and usually avoided. A variable is someone who is inspired and energized by having variety in their wardrobe. Shopping and creating new looks is exciting! They look forward to adding new pieces to their wardrobe.

I am okay with my variable nature, I just need to balance out that behavior by getting rid of pieces more frequently. A sweater you will see me in at the end of this summary is 19 years old. Ridiculous I know, but I grew up in a house with parents whose own parents lived through the depression. Our mentality was always to keep it, just in case you might need it. Dad famously says, " better to have and need not, than to need and have not". 

Monday, November 26 

The top and jeans I am wearing both came from the bottom of the stack. I love these jeans because they are SO soft. I got them at Nordstrom Rack last fall when they said a wide leg was coming back. However, I have to wear a heel with them. How did I used to do that all through the late 90's and early 00s'?  At least with skinny jeans you have the option. This top is from Tart several years ago and is really soft, but I always feel like I'm supposed to be wearing something else with it.

Tuesday, November 27

This is the 'other' sweater from H&M, and the original one I purchased back in 2007 when I was pregnant with Jackson. I usually have a firm rule that if you wore it when you were pregnant, and that baby is over the age of one and you are not pregnant again - get rid of it. Jackson will be 11 in March - but I love this sweater. Paired it with these Gap pants (not leggings) - repeat. It was too cold to wear a flat, so I threw on the booties. I don't know if that looks weird, but I did it anyway. 

Wednesday, November 28

This is the day Jason asked me if there any photos of me NOT wearing grey. I love grey more than I thought. This little rugby shirt is from J.Crew Factory last year, on clearance of course. Jeans are surprisingly not Paige, they are Sneak Peak. 

Thursday, November 29

This was everyone's favorite. It was over 60 degrees this day, so I figured it was a good day to try out the white jeans in winter. They were the only jeans in my pile that I had not worn. Confession: I had 4 pairs of white jeans - now I only have 2. To be fair, they are all slightly different. Here is the article from google that 'inspired' my look. I did have to change to my leopard flats for some of the day - let's be real ;)

Friday, November 30

My photo quality has gone down. This is day 3 of me trying to take my own photo and I didn't have the patience for the staging.  This is an outfit that usually makes Jason say, 'you look really cute today.' And I'm like 'what?'  It feels 'classy' but it also makes me feel sloppy. I always imaging it will look better than I think it does.  The shoes are the first and only item I have ever purchased from E-Bay - probably at least 13 years ago? They were NOT previously worn - or so they told me - and has the marker through the J.Crew logo, but they were only $30. 

Saturday, December 1

This day was dedicated to decorating for Christmas. I thought I was so festive when I picked out my candy cane shirt and I envisioned myself wearing a santa hat - but apparently we don't have one - or I couldn't find it. These jeans are like sweatpants. They were maybe the 2nd pair of 'designer jeans' that I purchased and I have worn them so often they are thread bare. So they are my 'work jeans' now.  Then Jason and I rewarded ourselves with a date night. This is one of my go-to outfits. I always feel great when I'm wearing it. Everyone should have a few pieces or outfits like that. 

Sunday, December 2

I tried a few different things on this morning - a few things to get rid of. I chose this festive, plaid skirt for church. Normally this is something I would 'save' for a special occasion. Not anymore! Then I came home, kept my black top on but threw on these leggings that I don't think I have ever worn before. They have a faux leather side panel on each leg. I don't love how they fit, so this is their farewell wear. Along with the sweater I mentioned during the intro. I purchased it during my first job after college when I did a lot of air travel, and was always freezing on the plane. It was expensive for me at The Limited, and I remember it was advertised as hand-knitted. So I never felt like I could get rid of it. But I am now. It is time.

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