
Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Week 5 - Closet Challenge Summary

Wow I am way behind on my weekly updates - tis the season!!

I finally feel like I am making some progress when I look at my closet. I'm considering moving everything that has been worn out to a rolling rack just so I can really focus on what is left. My donate pile is growing and it is getting easier to get rid of things. I really enjoy the challenge of looking at pieces in a new way or putting together a new look.

I highly recommend taking a photo of yourself everyday for a week or month. I'm slightly embarrassed when I open my photo app and it is filled with shots of myself, but I find it is an interesting reflection on how different we can look from day to day and the story that those looks can tell about where you are in your life and what is going on. 

This week you will see several different ensembles, and maybe one that makes you think, "one of these things is not like the other!"

Number of items from The Limited this week - 6
Number of grey appearances - 1 (take that, Jason) 
Number of shoes - 9
Number of blanket scarves - 2
Number of hats - 3

Monday, December 3

I almost forgot about this outfit it feels so long ago! This blazer is so old but I still love it. You can't quite see the tweed pattern because of the filter I used that makes my tired eyes look a little better. I noted when I posted on Instagram that I still love the cropped blazer. The Boyfriend I cannot do - it looks like I am wearing Jason's suit jacket when I try anything on with an oversized proportion. Not all trends are meant for everyone and that's okay! Know yourself, your body and what you like. The faux silk shirt I have underneath is another favorite. It looks professional and finished, but isn't as confining as I feel in a structured, woven shirt. 

Tuesday, December 4

I had to repeat this blazer. It was the perfect blend of function and style for my day and into the night. The sweater is from J Crew factory and I purchased it in the spring when I needed some color .... to go with grey ;). You can see in the both this and Monday's photo that I have to cuff my jeans just a touch over my booties. This felt a little awkward at first, but I think it looks better than when they bunch at the ankle. I haven't always addressed my accessories, but since I wear this necklace over and over - it is the Rebel from Stella & Dot and they have it in 3 colors. I wear it weekly! 

Wednesday, December 5 

As I look at this outfit, I am declaring no more collared, button up shirts! This top was one that I loved at TJ Maxx when I saw it and it was a bargain. It is light and breezy and comfortable, but I just don't wear it. I think this is only the second time I have worn it and had I not been doing this experiment, I would have passed right over it. I feel like it is a "summer shirt", but in the summer it would be too hot. There just aren't enough of those in-between, 65 degree days in St. Louis. I didn't do my hair or makeup, which I disguised with my hat and glasses. Then I threw on the blanket scarf to add a bit more to this look. I liked it when I ran out the door, but now that I'm looking at it, it seems a little odd.  I'm wearing the navy Winnie pant form J Crew (black pair worn in week 1) and I decided this was their last wear. They are a bit faded and a tad tight.

Thursday, December 6

I titled this one - it starts with the shoes! There was a chance of a wintery mix this day, so I wanted to wear these wedge snow boots circa 2007, and the rest of the outfit went from there. High waisted (aka control top) Zella leggings and this shirt/sweater/dress from a local boutique in STL that isn't open anymore. I had to make this hair last until I re-did it for the party later that night, so I tried to pull off the high pony and big earrings. These are the feather earrings from Hey Lottie again! I have gotten way more wear out of them than I thought I would. For my evening look (he he) I am wearing a navy sequin tank from The Limited and some plaid pants from Zara. These pants were love at first sight. This is the style but it doesn't look like they have this plaid anymore. Good thing I didn't know they were called a 'jogger' or I never would have purchased them. These are the same gold shoes I bought to wear to the black tie event in November. They are turning out to be perfect for the holiday. 

Friday, December 7

Can you tell I stayed up too late last night? Cozy flannel seemed like the best option for today.  I have never worn this flannel (from the boys department at Target) with these green pants before, but that is what this whole experiment is for! I look very outdoorsy - right? These are what I would call a classic chino pant. I often struggle with when and where to wear these. They aren't super flattering, but very comfortable so I generally choose them when jeans feel too tight. I have them in a cornsilk blue as well, but I never know what to wear with them, so they are going in the "out" pile. 

Saturday, December 8

I think I'm just going to start wearing two outfits everyday so we bring this whole thing to a close in 2018. I had a ton of errands to run today, so I threw on my buffalo plaid vest and fanny pack and I was off! I love the fanny pack - wait I mean the "waist pack" or "belted bag". It is the most practical thing to wear from timing at a swim meet to grocery shopping. I copied this one from my friend Sarah who is always ahead of the curve. I threw on my white cotton dress shirt under just to get it over with - no more dress shirts! Saturday night out I switched to my Spanx, faux leather leggings and a gold glitter sweater. I highly recommend these leggings! I got them in "regular" but could use the petite. (5' 1.5") I did the close up so you could see the moto detail. 

Sunday, December 9

I'm so fancy today going to Church and then the Thee-a-ter (my family thinks I say it funny, so now I make it a point to drag out the syllables). This is an old shift dress from The Limited - I really miss that store! I am wearing over-the-knee boots that I couldn't stay away from last year.  I only invested a small amount in a pair from Target.  I can only wear them with tights and dresses, otherwise they cover 85% of my leg and it looks super weird. I couldn't fit a coat over the shoulders in my dress - always and issue with me - so I threw on the blanket scarf and a hat to keep me warm. 

I will have last weeks update out soon along with updated pictures of the closet and the donate pile.  Thank you to all of you who like, comment, share, and text to tell me you wore something different today because of the blog. 

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