
Thursday, July 17, 2014

5 stages of fashion grief

It is a special milestone when you come of a certain age, and a trend comes back. One that you lived through, that you survived. 

These are the 5 stages of fashion grief.
1. Denial - There is no way I am old enough for this to be 'retro' . This is not really back "in". It will go away. I will not pay any attention to the stone-washed denim, keds or neon. 
2. Anger - WHY?!? Why are people wearing super high-waisted shorts again? We spent years suffering with the long butt look and we found a better way. Why would you go back? 
3. Bargaining - Okay so maybe it doesn't look that bad. I guess I could try it if I were younger. 
4. Depression - am I going to have to wear these again? 
5. Acceptance - maybe we get here, maybe we don't

Really, everywhere I go I see more and more of these. 

I'm all about accentuating a smaller waist and I am not condemning high-waisted shorts, this is just not my favorite way to do it. If it is yours, keep on keeping on. Fashion is an individual expression - have fun!

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