
Sunday, November 11, 2018

Closet Challenge

If you have been following me on Instragram @gmrstyleshare, you know I have started a closet challenge. My goal is to wear everything in my closet, with as few repeats as possible, until I have worn everything. I plan to discard/donate as I go, so that I am only left with items I love and will wear.  

The purpose is twofold. First, I once heard on Gretchen Rubin's Happier podcast that NOT using something is a form of waste. This really resonated with me when I thought about my clothes.  I love clothes and fashion, but like many of us, I end of up wearing the same thing over and over or wearing something akin to pajamas all day, since I mostly work from home. I save those 'nice' things for some mythical occasion when I think the day will be worth it. My concern is not about wearing repeat outfits, rather my focus is on getting use out of all my clothes. I have no issue with wearing the same thing regularly, as long as you aren't leaving 80% of what you own on hangers in the closet. 

The second purpose is to declutter my closet. I know I have more than I need and am holding onto things for the wrong reasons: those jeans from before 3 kids that I swear I will fit into again, the name brand shirt I bought because it was a great deal, but I don't really like, the dress that is not really my style, the shoes that are so cute but hurt my feet SO badly, the purse I have never used, the slacks I have no need for anymore because my office can now wear jeans, the sweater that is too itchy, the shirt I can only wear if I always wear those specific high rise pants because the shirt is actually too short, that blazer my friend made me buy because she said I looked adorable in it, but I will never wear, the pants that need to be hemmed... The list goes on and on. Why are we holding onto these things? I like variety and I like choice, so the capsule wardrobe is not for me, but I do think I can declutter and streamline things a bit and get more use out my clothes. 

I am posting daily on Instagram and will provide a weekly summary on the blog.  Here goes week 1!

My closet....

Tuesday, November 6 - Election Day! It was super cold and this idea was only half baked in my head so I didn't have an 'outfit' planned, but I did put on that gingham check shirt rather than a t-shirt or the shirt I had slept in. I had not worn this shirt since last fall because I thought it was too small (and it needed to be ironed). It just fits okay, so this will be the last wear.  Also wearing my favorite Paige Verdugo jeans and a super nubby fleece that is not figure flattering, but it was warm. 

Wednesday, November 7. I felt the pressure of 'getting dressed' today for my post. It was cold and grey here in St. Louis, and I wanted to stay in my pjs, but that is why I am doing this!  Level 99 jeans, denim shirt, my favorite fall colored scarf and Sam Edelman leopard print ballet flats. I did add a grey sweater later in the day because again, I was cold. 

Thursday, November 8. I'm getting into the swing of things now. I had a few appointments today for work so I wanted to step up my game. These may look like leggings, and generally, I have a rule that leggings are not pants, BUT these have a zipper and decorative seam up the front so they qualify as pants. Peasant top is from Marshalls or TJ Maxx a few years ago, open front blazer that feels like fleece and looks like leather! And I always love a good hat!

Friday, November 9. One of the first things I noticed when I started evaluating my closest was that I am addicted to grey - followed by navy and cream. But this is one of my favorite grey shirts. It feels and fits like a t-shirt, but that little built-in collar adds some polish. I needed to present product for work, so I couldn't have a lot of jewelry or a scarf flopping around or a jacketing getting in my way. I'm wearing these pants from J.Crew factory. I'm 5' 1.5" and wearing the regular length. I like how they fit, but they tend to collect lint. The label suggests dry cleaning and I ignored that, so they faded a bit. I added the leopard Sam Edelman shoes for some pattern. 

Saturday, November 11. Normally I'm on the sidelines of a soccer game or running hundreds of errands, but I was going to my daughter's speech meet and had wanted to wear this outfit for awhile. This dress was $14.99 at Marshalls. I wore grey cable knit tights and I should have worn a slip because the dress kept sticking to my tights when I walked. Slips feel like such an old lady thing to me, but I really should have worn one. Blanket scarf from Hey Lottie in St. Louis. Tights have a hole - going in the trash. Buying a new slip.

Saturday night I attended a black tie, charity auction. I ended up ordering from Rent the Runway. I'm really glad they sent two sizes! You can't really see in this photo, but I found some blue, feather peacock inspired earrings to add some color and whimsy to a traditional black tie look - found at Hey Lottie. I noted on Insta that my favorite accessory is my husband, Jason. He looks dashing in his tux!

Sunday, November 12. A booked calendar today with games and events. I always want to wear this gingham shirt for work, but it ends up looking too stuffy or conservative for my style. So instead of pairing with a pencil skirt and pearls, I paired with ripped jeans, wedge sneakers, and leopard print belt.

As I write this, we are thanking our Veterans for their enormous gift of service, praying for all those affected by the fires in California, and mourning the loss of innocent lives from another senseless, mass shooting.  These are the things that make me feel like writing and sharing this is silly, but it has brought me some joy today. I hope it has done the same for you. 

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