
Monday, November 24, 2014

Putting it all together

I love putting outfits together. It genuinely energizes me. The best analogy I can come up with, is to compare it to cooking. Some people love to open a fridge or pantry, look at all the ingredients and whip them up into wonderful, delicious combinations. Clothes are my ingredients. I love to experiment, mix and match, and create. I am terrible with actual ingredients. 

I felt like I nailed it the other day. This was a new mix for me out of things I have had in my closet for awhile. I had thought about throwing on a navy or denim jacket over the dress, but I still thought it was missing some flavor. Turns out it was mustard! Too much with the food analogy? 

navy and white polka-dot belted shirt dress
red patent leather shoes
mustard yellow cardigan with gold trim
animal print purse (not pictured) - I couldn't figure out how to hold it and look normal taking my selfie.

When adding or mixing colors, I usually start with the main color of the item I want to wear - for example - navy dress. Then I think about where I can add colors - shoes, purse, scarf, sweater, jacket, jewelry. I add one piece/color at a time until I feel like the look is complete. Colors don't have to match - just coordinate. Get rid of any color 'rules' in your head. 

Here are a few outfits I pulled from my closet to try and show you want I mean. Fall and Winter make it super easy to add color with a scarf or jacket. 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Fancy Pants

It's Party Time!! This time of year seems to be filled with 'events' that require festive attire - ya know a little more snazzy than business casual or church. 

Last weekend Jason and I went to a Dinner/Auction for our kids' school. I knew right away that I would wear my Fancy Pants! These are sequin pants/jeans/leggings that I bought from The Limited 2 years ago. I saw them and knew I had to have them. Do you every look at something and immediately know, "that looks like something I would wear" ?  (This is a good way to learn your style, see what types of clothes you are drawn to almost without thinking). Anyway I loved these pants, but wasn't sure I would wear them enough - see $5 rule. So I left without them, couldn't stop thinking about them and went back the next day and bought them. I have gotten so much use out of these pants!

Not only are these pants a fun alternative to the LBD, I feel awesome whenever I wear them. So that is really my point in this post - have something in your wardrobe that you know makes you feel great whenever you wear it. It lifts your mood whenever you put it on. It feels inherently "you".

They don't seem to carry them at The Limited this year, but a quick internet search lead me to two pair. First from Bloomingdales here

And these from H&M come in gold and silver - I love the gold ones.

And here is me not looking as happy as I feel when I wear these pants. We were rushing out the door for the Auction and I really wanted to get a good photo, but it was dark outside. So hopefully you get the gist. 

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Fashion and Style

"Fashion is about dressing according to what is fashionable. Style is more about being yourself." - Oscar de la Renta

I heard this quote of his last week when the media was covering his passing and celebrating what an extraordinary influence he was on the fashion industry.

This describes exactly how I feel about style! My reason for sharing my style through this blog is because it's fun. It might serve as an inspiration for someone else to use clothes or style to make themselves feel good, or make a statement, or just help get dressed in the morning. My plan is not to tell others what they should or shouldn't do. Of course I'm always happy to offer my opinion :) 

I went shopping today - lured out by some coupons, some sales and one specific mission. I walked around for the longest time looking around and not liking anything! I get very frustrated when this happens. Sometimes I find this happens because i realize I don't NEED anything. And then I leave. BUT, I just happened to come upon this gem of a sweater and my hope was restored. I loved it the minute I saw it. I hemmed and hawed for a brief moment while I heard my brother in my head asking me 'why are you wearing a blanket'? - but I didn't care, I still love it. And it happened to go great with what I was wearing. So the kids and I hoped out at this pretty little scene and snapped a pic.
Sweater - Sun & Shadow at Nordstrom
Tunic - Plieone 
Jeans - from my favoite list
Boots - Minnetonka - mentioned here and I love them!

I happened to already be wearing the Minnetonka boots when I bought the sweater, and part of me thinks together with the sweater it is a little much with the western theme. But sometimes you just go for it anyway.