
Friday, September 22, 2017

Everyday Me

Creating is cathartic - and that is my purpose for this blog - my creative outlet, my cathartic outlet. So I was trying to think about what I could post this week, and I realized I haven't  gotten dressed in a real outfit all week. Part of my reason for sharing this blog, is to be real. I want more real-ness in the world, so I'm putting some out there. When I am out and about I often hear, "you always look so cute." This feels great to hear, but I have begun responding with. "I wear sweatpants sometimes." This I my way of saying I'm real. I don't wear this all the time. You do not have to look good or put together or do your hair and makeup all the time. I'm a working mom with 3 kids and I can't do it everyday. I marvel at the women who can, but I think to myself, that must be exhausting. If she is doing it for herself - more power to you! You do you! But don't do it for anyone else. 

As I think more about this, I get more complements from my husband when I am 'dressed down'. I look for the compliments from him when we get all dressed up to go out, but it always shocks me a bit when I'm wearing what I consider nothing special and he says, "You look cute today." What? This ? Perhaps it is because I look more like everyday me - less like someone dressed up for everyone else in the latest trends. 

Here is everyday me today in my favorite jeans and white t - telling Jason nevermind quit taking photos

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