
Sunday, October 29, 2017

Playing Dress Up

It is finally fall here in St. Louis!! Bring out the sweaters and boots!! This is also the time of year when it is socially acceptable for adults to play dress up - Halloween. I heard somewhere that the Halloween industry gets bigger every year. It is no longer just a children's holiday. Adults my age seem to enjoy dressing up more than ever and have turned Halloween into a giant party. We have outgrown the need to use Halloween as an excuse to wear slutty clothes. Instead this is a true competition of the creatives, cultivating unique costumes sourced on Pinterest, and ordering bizarre merchandise from Amazon Prime. I had a blond wig and peter pan collar at my house in 48 hours!

I like to play dress up all year long. Sure there is an element of  personal style that is tied to your authenticity and true expression of yourself, but the other side of that coin is playing dress up, trying on different costumes, experimenting with new looks and having fun!

I played dress up this morning for church. I bought this grey skirt from Ann Taylor at the end of the season last year and couldn't wait to wear it now that is finally below 80 degrees. I started with black tights, grey skirt and a black shirt. I told Jason I thought I looked like a nun (no disrespect, just not the costume I was going for). So I added some accessories: some sassy over-the-knee boots, sparkly statement necklace, tartan plaid shawl, wool hat, and finally THE purse - the one from my first return to the blog. My parents are amazing and they surprised me with this purse.

I swore I would never wear the over-the-knee boots. I thought they made my legs look even shorter than they are. Sometimes a trend wears me down and I give in. I'm only human. I loved this costume!

Go play dress up in your closet. Challenge yourself to wear something you haven't worn in awhile or dare to differ from your normal uniform. You might be surprised to find out how much fun you have!

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