
Sunday, January 4, 2015

New Year's Resolutions

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season - now bring on the new year!!

If you are big on resolutions, here are some to consider for your wardrobe. 

#1 - What is in your closet? 
This is a perfect time to evaluate your wardrobe and possibly donate, sell, or eliminate some extra items. For Winter clothes, take stock of what you haven't worn yet this season, and if you don't wear it by the time Spring roles around, let it go. 
If you are in St. Louis and would like some help with this - give me a ring! I enjoy this so much. 

#2 - Shop smart at sales
It is so tempting to buy something because it is on sale, and this time of year (including the weeks before Christmas) we are bombarded with 'lowest prices of the season', 'winter clearance', '70% off'. That little voice tells you that you are missing out on some great deals - you must go shopping! I suggest making a list of things you want to add to your winter wardrobe (after you do #1 above). It might be a nice wool coat, or a pair of boots you have been eyeing all season, or maybe you have a formal event later in the year and a holiday dress on sale would be perfect. Look for only the items on your list when you are shopping the sales. The other option is to shop for basics -  jeans, tanks, tees - but only if you don't already have too many. 

#3 - Less is more
I try to tell myself this all of the time, but it is something I struggle with. I have a commitment problems with clothes. I worry that I might change my mind, and then feel guilty I spent money on something that I no longer like. The $5 Rule mentioned here helps with this. Think quality over quantity. And let me clarify, quality does not have to mean top of the line. Just evaluate the item with keen eye - look at seams, hems, fabric content, shape, and more to determine the quality for your lifestyle. 

#4 - Tread lightly with trends
As new trends emerge throughout the year, don't feel like you have to follow them. If they are not right for you, your personal style, your body type, or your wardrobe, pass. Wait for the next one to come along. 

#5 - Have fun
This is my number 1 rule. I'm not going to say I don't 'stress' about what to wear sometimes, but I try not to take myself or my clothes too seriously. They are just clothes, after all. I use them as my creative outlet on my best days. On other days, you can still find me in leggings and a sweatshirt. 

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