
Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Final Summary - My Closet Challenge

The idea to wear all the clothes in my closet, day by day, came to me on a whim one night when I couldn't sleep. I often plan what I will wear the next day in the wee hours of the morning, and somehow this idea crystalized. Part of me thought I should make a plan or start January 1, but Rachel Hollis says #starttoday, so I did, on a random Tuesday, without much of a plan. My two words to focus on for 2018 were Connect and Simplify. I chose this platform to connect with people through my love of fashion and simplify my space. 

I found the inspiration to keep writing and sharing through this statement by Glennon Doyle on Instagram - "Writing isn't about showing off, it's about showing ourselves. So we can see each other, for once. So we can all be less afraid." 

I realize sharing pictures of myself in "outfits" isn't that deep, but I did this in the spirit of sharing something I love, and keeping it real. 

I had no idea at the outset of this journey that it would last over 2 months. I discovered along the way that like many people, I had more clothes than I realized, and definitely more than I need. I have gotten rid of a lot of items already, but there is more to go. I am now in a phase where everything in my closet fits, and I like it all, but I don't need it all. So how do I pare down from there? It will be a process as part of my overall intention to simplify. 

Here is the updated photo of the discard pile. I feel like I accomplished more seeing it hanging on this rack rather than in the piles on the floor. 
12 pair of pants, 4 skirts, 7 dresses, 17 tops, 16 sweaters/jackets, 9 pairs of shoes
I contemplated counting everything that was left, but I'm already embarrassed thinking about what those numbers would be. 

As the year came to an end, I wanted to wrap up this challenge. I want to get back to wearing some of the clothes I wore two months ago! So on Saturday, I took two hours and put on almost every outfit I could come up with with what was left. Below are those seventeen outfits. Full disclosure, there are probably 10 pieces of clothing left in my closet that are not featured via photo, but I did try everything on to make sure if fit and that I still liked it. I got rid of more than expected just by trying things on. 

All the photos below were taken by my two sons, and I am not a photo editor. Ideally these would all be done in the exact lighting and be cropped to the same size, but "c'est la vie."

Working Girl

There is a theme here of black/white and navy/white. I tried to add some color with the accessories, the bag, or the shoe. I mixed patterns, which I have always wanted to do, with the polka dot top and windowpane skirt. The black and white skirt with leather strip had to go. It was so old the 'leather' was peeling off the skirt - I had no idea until I actually put it on and found the flakes on my fingers. The navy polka dot dress was one of my favorites, but I can't move my arms in it, so it had to go. The crop navy blazer barely buttoned. I even tried putting on a sports bra underneath in hopes the button wouldn't gape, but no success. 

Party Time

This was so fun and boy do I wish I had enough occasions to wear all of these. The sequin shorts, I was practically dared into buying by my friend (I'm talking to you, Lori). Surprisingly, I have worn them several times and to much acclaim. They don't fit great right now, but I'm keeping them! Battle of the LBD below. It shocks me how different I look in these two different styles. They are both a stretchy knit so essentially the same dress with just a different silhouette. I thought I would take votes on which one to keep! Fun fact, they were both under $30. One was a maxi dress on clearance that I had cut off and hemmed and the other was a Marshalls find. I feel like my most fun self when I look at these photos. 


This is mostly a collections of tops, and where I stopped taking photos. I didn't think it would be that exciting to see 10 more photos of me in jeans and a top. That is definitely the category I have the most room to edit.  After reviewing the photos below, a few of these look a little boring to me. Nothing is wrong with them, I'm just not sure they say ME - especially the last one. 


Thank you for following me on this journey. Thank you for sending me pictures and texts showing new outfits or telling me you have been inspired to clean out your closet. We are all too often consumed by stuff in our lives, when it is the people in our lives that really matter.